ISO IEC 23544 pdf – Information Technology — Data centres — Application Platform Energy Effectiveness (APEE)

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ISO IEC 23544 pdf – Information Technology — Data centres — Application Platform Energy Effectiveness (APEE)
1 Scope
This document specifies application platform energy effectiveness (APEE) as a Key PerformanceIndicator (KPl) which quantifies the energy effectiveness of an application platform for an IT service indata centres. This KPIevaluates the energy consumption of an application platform prior to deployment.The purpose of this KPl is to measure the energy effectiveness of a set of target IT equipment, operatingsystems and middleware, to enable the selection of an energy effective IT stack.
This document specifies a formula for calculating APEE and definitions of components of the formula.This document specifies a measurement method for assessing and reporting the energy effectiveness ofan application platform.
This document also specifies requirements for benchmarks to be used for APEE and requirements forreporting.
The following topics are outside of the scope of this document:
1) KPls intended to solely evaluate the energy effectiveness of target IT equipment hardware,2)energy effectiveness of data centre facilities.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO/IEC 21836:2020, Information technology —Data centres — Server energy effectiveness metric
ISO/IEC 21878,Information technology -Security techniques — Security guidelines for design andimplementation of virtualized servers
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms3.1Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in lSO/IEC 21878 and the followingapply.
lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:- ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp
―IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/
application platform
platform composed of target IT equipment (3.1.4), operating systems, and middleware (3.1.3) with thepurpose of providing an IT service (3.1.5)
Note 1 to entry:An application platform is an environment for executing software applications (3.1.2) such asERP and CRM software.Therefore, a software application itself is not included as part of an application platform.3.1.2
software application
computer program for implementing an IT service (3.1.5)
Note 1 to entry: A software application is usually developed independently for each lT service.3.1.3
software layer between an operating system and the software applications (3.1.2)
Note 1 to entry: Examples of middleware include DBMs, web server software, application server software,transaction monitor.
Note 2 to entry: An operating system is the software directly managing the hardware, e.g.conventional operatingsystem, hypervisor, etc.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017,3.2459, modified -Notes 1 and 2 to entry have been added.J3.1.4
target IT equipment
server, storage and network equipment that are components of an application platform (3.1.1)3.1.5
IT service
service that provides an outcome to its users via information technology3.1.6
application outcome
information provided by an IT service (3.1.5) to its users
Note 1 to entry:An example of an application outcome is a set of reports to support decision-making at retailoutlets (such as sales analysis reports, and stock status reports).
measurement period
duration in which the benchmark performs the intended data processing
Note 1 to entry: Typically, the measurement period(s) is/are the only portion of the benchmark execution whichis/are used to calculate the benchmark score.
Note 2 to entry: The intended data processing routine is a routine including the benchmark calculation.
Note 3 to entry: In the case of using TPC-H, the measurement target of TPC-H is a performance for executingsQL queries, so a period of executing SQL queries is a measurement period.Other periods, such as a data loading,are not a measurement period.
benchmark identifier
string which identifies a specific benchmark, which consists of the name and the major version (3.1.9),when applicable
particular form or variation of a resource that differs from other instantiations of the resource in atleast one aspect or item of information
Note 1 to entry:The first digit of a version is called the major version, and any numbers right of that digit i calleda minor version.
Note 2 to entry: Example: in the version designated as “v1.2.3,” the Major Version identification is “1 , and theMinor Version identification is “2.3”.
[SOURCE: ISO 24619:2011,3.1.9, modified —Notes 1 and 2 to entry added.]3.1.10
internal power supply
independent device that converts commercial AC power to DC power as required inside target lTequipment (3.1.4)

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