IEC TS 63297 pdf – Sensing devices for non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems

08-20-2022 comment

IEC TS 63297 pdf – Sensing devices for non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems
This Technical Specification is an attempt to provide classification of NILM sensing devices foruse in NILM systems, according to the state of the art of NILM technologies.
The classification of NILM analytics and NILM systems, as well as performance indicators forNILM systems, can be considered in the future.
NILM systems produce estimated disaggregation into energy usages. When accuratemeasurement and analysis of energy consumption and/or other electrical parameters is needed
(e.g. for monitoring the electrical installation),systems based on standardized measuringdevices (e.g. PMD, PQl or meters) are used.
NOTE Standardized measuring devices have guaranteed accuracy over a specified range and have limiteddeviations in presence of influence quantities (temperature,frequency deviations,etc.) in addition to safety andconstructional requirements. See Annex C for more information.
2Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.IsO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobp
electrical parameter
electrical quantity to be measured or estimated
EXAMPLE RMS value of current,RMS value of voltage,active power, reactive power,hamonics,power qualityrelated parameters,etc.
estimated value
value of an electrical parameter (e.g. current,power,energy related to a specific usage)produced by a NILM sensing device or a NILM system
Note 1 to entry. Estimated values are typically less accurate than values measured with standardized measuringdevices (e.g. PMD.PQI,meters).
measured value
value of an electrical parameter (e.g. current,power,energy related to a specific usage)produced by a measuring device complying with an electrical measurement standard
load signature
pattern in the data produced by a NILM sensing device that can be attributed to a specific typeof load or energy usage
non-intrusive load monitoringNILM
process for providing estimated categorization of energy usage based on load signaturesobtained at a single point in the installation
NILM analytics
process for analysing data produced by a NILM sensing device and providing information aboutenergy usage
Note 1 to entry. NILM analytics can be performed within the NlILM sensing device andlor in the cloud.3.7
NILM sensing deviceNSD
device connected to the electrical installation and producing data to be used by NILM analytics
NILM system
combination of a NILM sensing device and NILM analytics
power metering and monitoring devicePMD
combination in one or more devices of several functional modules dedicated to metering andmonitoring electrical parameters in energy distribution systems or electrical installations, used
for applications such as energy efficiency, power monitoring and network performance
Note 1 to entry.: Under the generic term “monitoringare also included functions of recording, alarm management,etc.
Note 2 to entry: PMDs have a known measurement uncertainty over a spectfied measurement range and are robustto influence quantities and industrial environments
[SOURCE: IEC 61557-12:2018,3.1.1, modified – Note 2 to entry has been modified and Note3 to entry has been deleted]
power quality instrumentPQl
instrument complying with IEC 62586-1 whose main function is to measure, record and possibly
monitor power quality parameters in power supply systems,and whose measuring methods(class A or class s) are defined in lEC 61000-4-30
Note 1 to entry: PQls have a known measurement uncertainty over a specified measurement range and are robustto infuence quantities and industrialenvironments. They often also have transient event detection and waveformcapture capabilities.
[SOURCE: lEC 62586-1:2017,3.1.1, modified – A reference to lEC 62586-1 and Note 1 to entryhave been added]
gapless measurement
measurement technique where the measurement is performed continuously without gap, thatis, using contiguous measurement windows
Note 1 to entry: For digitaltechniques and for a given sampling rate, no sample shall be missing in the measurementprocessing.
Note 2 to entry. When gapless measurement techniques are used,no assumption is made regarding the stability ofthe signal,as opposed to non-gapless measurement techniques,where the signal is considered to be stable duringthe time where no measurement is done.
4Elements of a NILM system
ANILM system comprises (see Figure 2):
– a NILM sensing device (NSD) connected to the electrical installation and producing data
relevant for load signature identification;
NILM analytics using the data output from the NSD and producing information to the usersabout their energy usage.

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