IEC 61010-2-130 pdf – Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-130: Particular requirements for equipment intended to be used in educational establishments by children

08-20-2022 comment

IEC 61010-2-130 pdf – Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-130: Particular requirements for equipment intended to be used in educational establishments by children
After NOTE 1 add the note:
NOTE 2 ln some countries, PuUPLOPERATORS are not permitted access to HAZARDOuS LVE parts、 except if they areundergoing technical training,when they might have the same access as an adult oPERAToR provided that they areunder supervision of the RESPONSIBLE BODY .
5.2Warning markings
Add the following note before the last paragraph beginning “Symbols are the preferred…”(before the conformity statement):
NOTEIn some countries,PUPIL OPERATORs may not be allowed access to HAZARDOUs LvE parts, except if theyare undergoing technicaltraining, when they might have the same access as an adult OPERATOR provided that theyare under supervisionof the RESPONSIBLE Boov .
Replace list item a) with the following:
a) intended use of the equipment,including a statement of the minimum age for which the
equipment is used under supervision,for example “This equipment is suitable for use ineducational establishments by students at least 11 years old when supervised”, and anyadditional information regarding suitability for use by PuPIL OPERATORs in education withspecial needs;
Add the following new item after existing list item h):
aa) for experimental kits or sets of components,the instructions shall point out possible
hazards and give technical information’concerning the parts,their behaviour and how tohandle them properly.All hazards that can be expected during an experiment, for example
such as those from short-circuiting or reverse connection of batteries or capacitors,shallbe described in detail.
NOTE Experimental kits or set of components are the collection of electric,
electronicor mechanical
components intended to be assembledby children in various combinations
to demonstratephysical
phenomenaor other functions.
5.4.3 Equipment installationAdd the following new list item:
aa) instructions that installation which could cause a risk of harm must not be carried out by a
5.4.4Equipment operation
Add the following new list item and new paragraph after it:
aa) a statement that,to protect againsteye injuries,laser sources classified as Class 2
according to IEC 60825-1 must be stable or fixed in place where necessary to preventaccidental movement.
The instructions shall specify which operations are required to be carried out by theRESPONSIBLEBODv before theequipmentis subsequentlyused by PUPIL OPERATORs .Manufacturersinstructions shall include the statement that routine maintenance and visualinspection of the equipment is required to be carried out by the RESPONSIBLE BODY before use.
Replace the existing second paragraph with the following:
lf equipment within the scope of lEC 60950-1 or IEC 62368-1 is used with equipment withinthe ‘scope of this document,and if there is a HAzARD due to moisture or’ liquids,theinstructions for use shall specify any additional precautions necessary.
5.4.5 Equipment maintenance and service
Add the following new text after the 5th paragraph:
The manufacturer’s instructions shall state that maintenance shall not be conducted by anyPUPIL OPERATOR,including replacement of batteries,fuses,or lamps. An exception can bemade for equipment intended for PUPIL OPERATORs aged 11 years or older using commerciallyavailable sealed batteries replaceable without aToOL.
6Protection against electric shock
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
Add a note before the conformity statement:
NOTE Attention is drawn to the possible existence of national or other authorities’ limitations for access toHAZARDOus LIvEparts by PUPIL OPERATORs –
Replace the first sentence in the first paragraph with the following:
Unless obvious,determination of whether a part is ACCESSIBLE is made as specified in 6.2.2and 6.2.101 in all positions ofNORMAL USE.
Replace the second paragraph with:
lf, in NORMAL USE,an OPERATOR is intended to perform any actions (with or without a TooL)that could increase the accessibility of parts,such actions are taken before performing theexaminations of 6.2.2 and 6.2.101.
Replace the last paragraph with the following:
Rack-mounted and panel-mounted equipment is installed as specified in the manufacturersinstructions before making the examinations of 6.2.2 and 6.2.101. For such equipment, theOPERATOR is assumed to be in front of the panel.
Replace the text “(see Figure B.2)” with the following:
(see Figure B.101)
6.2.3Openings above parts that are HAZARDOUs LIVEDelete Subclause 6.2.3.

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